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Stroman works as COCA’s community programs specialist and Goodman-Hinnershitz, who is also on City Council, serves as the organization’s director of planning and resources. Stroman and Marcia Goodman-Hinnershitz were handing out resources from the Council on Chemical Abuse table.

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“It’s about celebrating who we are, from where we came and what we’re contributing today to society.” “Really, it’s about celebrating,” said Yvonne Stroman, who is Black, when asked what Juneteenth means to her. President Joe Biden signed the legislation that made Juneteenth a federal holiday in June 2021.Īt the state level, at least 24 states and the District of Columbia will recognize Juneteenth as a public holiday this year, meaning state government offices are closed and state workers have a paid day off, according Pew’s analysis of public information. Public awareness of Juneteenth grew in 2020 amid nationwide protests after the police killings of several Black Americans, including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, according to the Pew Research Center.

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